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Viking Helmets

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Showing products 1 to 26 of 26
GDFB Forged Black Spangenhelm 1

Order before 12 Noon for NEXT DAY DELIVERY. The famous GDFB Spangenhelm is the protection of choice for the discerning Viking.

GDFB Forged Black Spangenhelm 3

Order before 12 Noon for NEXT DAY DELIVERY. The famous GDFB Spangenhelm is the protection of choice for the discerning Viking.

GDFB Spangenhelm 1

Order before 12 Noon for NEXT DAY DELIVERY. The famous GDFB Spangenhelm is the protection of choice for the discerning Viking.

GDFB Spangenhelm 3

Order before 12 Noon for NEXT DAY DELIVERY. The GDFB Spangenhelm is the protection of choice for the discerning Viking.


Based on the Czech Olmutz helmet

Viking Spectacle Helmet, with Aventail

Made from 1.2mm Steel

Vendel Period Spectacle Helm with Chain Mail Aventail

 Chain Mail Aventail made of non-riveted spring steel rings (type of braid BTW)

Rus Helmet With Horse Hair Plume

Head Size: up to approx. 64 cm circumference

Viking Norse Dragon Helmet

Material 1.25mm Steel

Byzantine Concentric Helmet, 2mm Steel

Reconstruction of a helmet from the 10th Century

Coppergate Helmet with Butted   Aventail

This helmet originates from the 8th Century

Coppergate Helmet with Riveted Mail Aventail, 1.6mm Steel

The original was found near York in England

Germanic Spangenhelm, Circa 500 AD, 1.6mm Steel

Spangenhelm from about 500 AD

Gjermundbu Helmet with Riveted Aventail

This original helmet is dated to the year 970AD and is on display in Oslo

Viking Spectacle Helm Gjermundbu Style, 2mm Steel

Part of a grave find in Norway

Viking Olmutz Nasal Helmet, 2mm Steel

Also called Moravian Helmet

Viking Spangenhelm, 1.6mm Steel

The metal strips and nasal are riveted to the helmet

Viking Spangenhelm, Cheek Guards and Aventail, 2mm Steel

A replica of a helmet from the 9th Century

Viking "St. Wencelass" Helm, 2mm Steel

From the 10th Century and found in Prague

Viking Spangenhelm, 2mm Steel

The metal strips and nasal are riveted to the helmet

Viking Spangenhelm, 2mm Steel

This helmet was popular with Vikings,Varangians,Rus and Normans

Viking Spectacle Helmet with Aventail, 2mm Steel

Based on the original found in Norway and from the 10th Century

Viking Spectacle Helm, 2mm Steel

Mail Coifs were often worn underneath or Aventails were attached

Beowulf Spectacle Helmet with Cheek Guards and Aventail

The helmet has two cheek guards

Sutton Hoo Helmet 7th Century

Suitable for head circumference up to 61 cm

Valsgarde 8 ViKing Helmet

This helmet is designed as a collector's or decoration piece

Welcome to GETDRESSEDFORBATTLE®™ re enactment supplies Viking Helmet section.
In this section you will find our range of helmets of the Viking and Norman Period. Produced to comply with the standards required in Re enactment. You will find standard spangenhelms in various styles along with the famous "Coppergate" helm and the "Gjermundbu".
All helmets include a comfortable padded or leather liner.