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Shields, Bucklers and Bosses

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Small Hand Buckler, Approx. 16.5cm

Handle is riveted and wrapped in leather

Welcome to GETDRESSEDFORBATTLE®™ re enactment supplies, battle ready medieval and other period shields, bucklers and bosses available from our on line reenactment shop. 
In this section you will find our full range of battle ready shields, buckler and bosses from all periods from the roman, viking, norman and beyond. Shield bosses are predominantly 14 gauge i.e. 2mm steel and are supplied with rivets for fitting to your shield blank. Our bucklers are also 14 gauge and come in a variety of styles and diameters of  23cm, 30cm and 38cm all have leather grip handles.
We go even further back and can offer you the Greek Hoplite and Roman shields which come in various styles including the Imperial, Republican and Centurion Scutum and more.
As a further addition we also have a range of shield blanks for you to decorate with your own individual or group designs.
We hope you enjoy browsing this section.