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Chainmail Roman

Roman Chainmail Mid Sleeved Haubergeon, Rings 6mm i.d

Roman Chainmail Mid Sleeved Haubergeon, Rings 6mm i.d

Stock Status: In Stock
This haubergeon is made following original models
Our chainmail haubergeon is made from small rings of only 6 mm diameter. Following original models it is woven with alternate rows of round riveted rings with domed rivet heads and flat punched rings. Due to the extremely small ring diameter this chain mail could (in antiquity as well as today) be made from 1mm steel, without losing any battle effectiveness. The wearer's comfort is increased through the weight reduction of approximately 30-35%.
We call this type of chain mail RM (Roman Mail). It was worn not only by the Kelts and Romans (Hamata), but was common throughout the late medieval period.
A haubergeon is a mid-sleeve chain mail shirt that reaches to the thighs.

Please see our Chainmail Sizing Guide 

Details Medium
Chest circumference: approx. 130 cm when fully extended. Your chest should not exceed 115 cm when wearing your gambeson.
Length: approx. 80 cm
Arm length: approx. 25 cm
Ring Internal diameter: approx. 6 mm
Flatring width: approx. 1mm
Finish: natural (lightly oiled)
Weight: approx. 8.75 kg

Details Large
Chest circumference: approx. 135 cm when fully extended. Your chest should not exceed 120 cm when wearing your gambeson.
Length: approx. 80 cm
Arm length: approx. 30 cm
Ring Internal diameter: approx. 6 mm
Flatring width: approx. 1 mm
Finish: natural (lightly oiled)
Weight: approx. 9.4 kg

Details Extra Large
Chest circumference: approx. 150 cm when fully extended. Your chest should not exceed 135 cm when wearing your gambeson.
Length: approx. 86 cm
Arm length: approx. 26 cm
Ring Internal diameter: approx. 6 mm
Flatring width: approx. 1 mm
Finish: natural (lightly oiled)
Weight: approx. 10.5 kg

Details XXL
Chest Circumference 160cm
Length 96cm
Arm Length  30cm
Weight   15.5kg
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