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Chainmail Round Wire Riveted

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1 kg Loose Chain Mail Round Rings and Rivets 8mm I.D

1KG Packet contains approx. 2000 Rings and Rivets

Chain Mail 1 KG Loose Riveted Round Zinc Plated Steel Rings 9mm I.D

1 kg  packet ( = approx. 1460 rings)

Chain Mail Hauberk, Long Sleeved, Riveted Round Zinc Plated Steel Rings 9mm I.D

Inner diameter of rings: approx. 9 mm 

Chain Mail Bishop's Mantle, Riveted Round Rings, 8mm I.D

Covers Neck, Shoulders and upper part of neck and back

Chainmail Aventail , Riveted Round Rings, 8mm I.D

The most common helmet to attach the Aventail to is a Bascinet

Chainmail Coif With Square Ventail,Riveted Round Rings, 8mm I.D

The Ventail is padded inside and covered with Leather

Chainmail Coif with Triangular Ventail. Riveted Round Rings, 8mm I.D

The Ventail is padded inside and covered with Leather

Chainmail Collar,Riveted Round Rings, 8mm I.D

Also known as a Pixane, this standard protects the neck area

Chain Mail Legs with Open Feet, Riveted Round Rings, 8mm I.D

No fixings are included with the Chausses

Chain Mail Haubergeon, Half Sleeved, Riveted Round Rings, 9mm I.D

Mail body protection with Dome Head Rivets

Chain Mail Hauberk, Long Sleeved Riveted Round Rings, 8mm I.D

The Hauberk is long sleeved and comes down to the knees

Chain Mail Full Mantle Square Face Coif Riveted Round Rings, 8mm I.D

Square face opening and covers the shoulders

Chain Mail Square Piece,Riveted Round Rings, 8mm I.D, 20 X 20cm

For Repairing, Extending or making Own Chain Mail

Chain Mail Voiders  Riveted Round Rings, 8mm I.D

The Voiders were sewn or tied onto the Gambeson

Chain Mail Haubegeon, Mid Sleeved, Riveted Round Zinc Plated Steel Rings 9mm I.D

Inner diameter of rings: approx. 9 mm 

Chain Mail Skirt, Riveted Round Rings, 8mm I.D

The skirt covered the upper legs and groin area.

Chain Mail Shirt for Children

Chain Mail Shirt for children, Galvanised steel

Welcome to GETDRESSEDFORBATTLE®™ re enactment supplies Round Wire Riveted Chainmail section.
In this section you will find our range of Round Wire Riveted Chanmail for those of you who demand the added authenticity of Riveted Chainmail but again do not need to be period specific or keep to stringent group standards. This is the best quality Round Wire Riveted Chanmail available.
Many groups who's kit standards include Chainmail will accept this style of Riveted maille, but if you have any doubts you must in the first instance consult your 'Master at Arms'.
The construction of this style of Maille is in the 4 in 1 pattern and is of Mild Steel wire 1.6mm in diameter, i.e. 16 gauge and wound to produce rings that are 8mm internal diameter and riveted together using dome head rivets.
A great quality, affordable enrty into riveted chainmail.