Chainmail Roman
Authentic and Battle-Ready chain mail pants
The diameter of these loose flat washers are 6mm
A quick way to make or repair chain mail
To protect the neck, shoulders and upper part of the chest
The most common helmet to attach an aventail is a bascinet
Wearers comfort is increased through weight reduction of 30-35%
This haubergeon is made following original models
A Hauberk is a long Chain Mail Shirt that reaches to the knees
This skirt is made following original models
Made from dome rivets mixed with solid rings
Made with dome rivets mixed with solid rings
Does not come with a shoulder dubling
Chain Mail Shirt for children, Galvanised steel
A fourteen-piece-set
The hooks, loops and buttons are made of brass
In this section you will find our range of Roman Chanmail and who ever you are, who ever you portray and which ever period you cover, be it Roman through to now I'm sure you will find good reason to argue that an example of this style of Chainmail was found, giving it provinance in your period. It is the smallest diameter chainmail made commercially today by anyone, people drool when they see this.
Available in the roman hamata and auxillary shirts as well and hauberks, haubergeons, coifs, skirts, voiders and standards we have it all and at a price you will not beat.
Manufactured from 1.0 mm mild steel wire wound to 6 mm internal diameter and woven using the 4 in 1 pattern with alternating rows of solid punched rings that are 1.0 mm square in section and 6mm internal diameter. Due to the extremely small ring diameter, this type of ring can and could historically be manufactured in only 1 mm steel, which reduced total weight by 30 - 35% when compared with 8mm i.d. 16 gauge wire.