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Armour Sets

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Showing products 1 to 8 of 8
Armour of the Spanish Kings By Marto

The materials used are very similar to the original ones

Charles V Armour - Gold Finish- By Marto

The materials used are very similar to the original ones

Charles V Armour - with Acid Etching- By Marto

The materials used are very similar to the original ones

Tournament Armour With Pole and Shield By Marto

The materials used are very similar to the original ones

Tournament Armour With Pole and Shield By Marto- Black

The materials used are very similar to the original ones

Japanese Samurai Armour Of Takeda Shingen

Display stand included 

Kingsguard Armour Set With Display Stand

Hand-crafted from 18 gauge steel

Miniature Suit Of Armour

Height: approx. 71 cm 

Here we offer you sets of armour that you can display and enhance a room or even wear if you wish. We also even have a miniature set of armour for you to display